Travel the world

Cool Yule Day

Today was one of those days I knew I was writing off. I slept on and off throughout the night but forced myself to stay in bed and rest until i saw morning’s first light break through the window curtains. I swear, it seemed like the longest night ever. I guess that means I wanted up and at ’em. In reality, I probably was in bed for just over 6 hours and slept maybe 4 hours.

Morning was nice and leisurely. Got up at 8am and had some brekkie and slowly got ourselves out for a walk. As there were no trains and buses or very limited but uber-expensive taxis for hire, Chris and I walked down to the nearby Angel/Islington area.

For London being such a cosmopolitan city, Vancouver has it beat when it comes to businesses being opened on Christmas day. The couple of miles to Angel, I think we saw only 2 corner stores opened, where you can buy convenience store items.

London is definitely not a 24 hour convenience city. Chris told me that it was only within the past decade that retail stores even started to stay opened past 4pm. Really?! And not a 7-11 at all in sight.

The weather was cold, overcast and brisk. A proper late autumn day. But I’m hardly complaining. Compared to what Vancouver is going through with 2 more accumulated feet of snow that fell after midnight last night, I even count my blessings as I seem to have made it out of YVR just in the nick of time. Everyone is telling me that today’s an absolute nightmare; wherever you are, there you stay put. Jeepers.

Got back to the flat and was astonished that it was not quite 10am yet. It felt like we packed in a full afternoon, walking about and waxing philosophical into just a couple of hours. And that was pretty much it for outside excursions.

While watching Jim Jarmusch’s Dead Man dvd this afternoon, it was lights out for me. I woke up after a 6 hour sleep at 9pm to my shock and dismay. I know that I really needed it and I hope that takes care of any jetlag that is lingering.

But it is now 3:40 in the morning and I’m freakin’ wide awake.

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