Life + Love

Daily Cat Bonding

However stressful a day at work I’m having, I’m comforted by the thought that once I get home, Charlie will be there waiting for hugs from me. Like, literally. He’s a needy and affectionate kitty. We were warned at the SPCA when we adopted him that this is his nature. (and it suits me fine)

Our daily ritual since he came into my life is that when I get home, wash the day off my face, change into comfy clothes, I’d pick Charlie up, turn on the tv, kick back onto the bed for a few minutes and have some human/kitty bonding time. He then proceeds to purr himself to sleep in my arms or on my chest. A limpy lump of kitty cuteness.

And then I’m trapped under 6 pounds of cat. And I have to wait until Charlie wakes up before moving. Good thing, I have a tv remote control. Get myself nice and comfy. I ain’t going anywhere…

But sometimes he’ll just slide off me or get up in his sleepy daze only to lie back down and fall asleep by me.

So whatever the work day may throw my way, I know that once I get home, he’ll have something to sleep on (me), and I get an instant de-stresser. I think I got the better end of the deal.

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