About the girl, Life + Love

2010-2019: A Decade Retrospective

There was a meme circulating on the interwebs before the arrival of the new year, which spoke directly to Gen X’ers: “We were born in the 70s. Next week we have lived in 6 decades, 2 centuries, 2 millennias, and we aren’t even 50 yet!

Doesn’t that make you feel hella old, my fellow Gen X’ers? On the flip side, I kinda feel like an immortal vampire – being here for so long, yet somehow still feeling young (although my looks might say otherwise).

Although the past decade for me is not without some setbacks and heartbreak (because that’s life), I’ve tried and continue to try my best to weather those down times that creep up every so often. I remember to count my blessings and there have been many of them. Important people in my life are still here as we enter into a new decade together. And for that I’m grateful.

Let me strap in for this stroll down amnesia lane. The ‘best of’ highlights to encapsulate the past 10 years, if you will.  Let’s kick it off with:

2010 – Kicked ass and getting all kinds of praise at my job at Vancouver Opera. Definitely a career defining moment and the impetus for me to go down the social media and digital marketing rabbit hole. Traveled to Netherlands and Belgium.

2011 – Laid off from my Vancouver Opera job due to federal cuts in arts funding. Landed a gig at Electronic Arts, where I immediately found out what it’s like to manage a community of Need for Speed World gamers. I grew a tougher skin working there, but it did a number on my mental and physical health. I got burnt out from work so badly that I had to go the desert to get back to me. Then Charlie came into my life and I am forever changed.

2012 – Worked my ass off, won over the NFSW community and achieved the coveted 75+ Klout score. I was considered a thought leader and was more influential – online, that is – then The Killers, Green Day, and Tom Cruise, and tied with Alyssa Milano and Jamie Oliver. Achievement unlocked! For my birthday, I gifted myself with a trip to Whitehorse to see the Northern Lights. To cap off the year, Sean and I moved in together!

2013 – Flew to New York just to hear Clint Mansell perform in a church. Kayaked in bioluminescent waters. Traveled to the motherland with the mother and cuddled up with a panda bear!

2014 – Sean and I celebrated 5 years together. We vacationed like we were Ewoks. A family trip to California. I had the pleasure of meeting Twitter Canada’s Kirstine Stewart and positively fan-girled all over her.

2015 – Double duty! Landed full time work with Providence Health Care plus a side hustle with Pan Pacific Vancouver Hotel. Bucket list item checked off when I traveled to Iceland and followed that with a trip to London.

2016Glamped for the first time. I can dig it. Celebrated 10 years of being a pescetarian. Went to Chicago to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. London shenanigans including the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child theatre show, one of the hardest tickets to get. First time to Berlin. Sean took us to New York for the premiere of the film he so proudly worked on, Final Fantasy XV.

2017 – Working 2 jobs for 2 years burned me out. Luckily the money I made from those 2 jobs allowed me to travel to Europe on a 6 week sabbatical! Sean’s first time to Europe, namely Amsterdam and Berlin. Then I traveled on my own for a month! I hit up Zurich, Gruyères, Bern, Morges, Tolochenaz, Geneva, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Dresden, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Bastei and Cologne. Got to meet and fan-girled all over futurist and National Geographic host, Jason Silva!

2018 – We added another heartbeat to our house. Luna completed our little family. Combo birthday and anniversary trip to the Big Island. The Hammer finally stretches its legs with a road trip to the island.

2019 – Sean and I celebrated 10 years together! Wha?!? How’d that happen? We celebrated that milestone anniversary with a trip to Japan. Landed a sweet contract gig with VIFF.

Lots of blessings to be counted this past decade. I’ve been fortunate on so many fronts. I’ve built up a solid career, in a field where 12 or 15 years ago hadn’t even existed. I’ve been mentored by some incredible people who took a chance on me, lifted me up, and encouraged me to grow and shine. I’ve had the privilege to make travel a priority and have visited the US, Asia and Europe multiple times in the past 10 years. And I finally found my person. These are the things I’m thankful for.

I recognize that I’m still growing and changing to become the best person I can be. I’ve learned not to be so hard on myself and on others. I’m trying to let more of the little things go. (although it can be hard as I like things just so) Especially as we all get older, I continue to recognize that people aren’t perfect. Everyone’s just trying to do the best they could in the short time that we’re here. I remind myself to forgive more and judge less.

Going into the new decade, what I want for myself and others is to continue finding the happy and letting go of things that don’t serve you. In the first few years of this decade, I’ll be hitting another milestone birthday. Luckily I think that I won’t have nearly as much anxiety about it as my last milestone birthday. I’m feeling more comfortable about who I am and what I want going forth in 2020 and beyond.

Some priorities I’d like to build on include carving out more time with loved ones, getting back on the fitness track, learning new skills (a new language or 2, photography, web + graphic design among other things), giving back more, and yes, much more travel. I want to work because I enjoy it, not because I have to. I don’t want work to constantly take up all my leisure time. (and with each year, I’m getting closer to that point)

They say that people get happier as they get older, with those 55+ being the happiest demographic. And that that happiness quotient is based on 3 things: Do you like what you do each day? Do you have supportive relationships in your life? And do you have enough energy to get things done daily? These are the reminders I’ll take into the new decade.

As always, thank you friends for coming on this journey with me. Happy 2020 and beyond!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Karin January 13, 2020 at 8:59 am

    I love this Ling! You’ve had a great decade and you have a great vision for the future. Life is about growing, learning, having balance, and having fun with your peeps and yourself! You’ve got it all figured out! ❤️

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